On February 6, 2018, a significant event took place on the stage of the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory: the State Symphony Orchestra of Tatarstan, conducted by Alexander Sladkovsky, performed the famous work of G. Verdi “Requiem”. The lineup of soloists made this evening especially bright: the bass part was performed by Dmitry Ulyanov, soprano - Veronika Dzhioeva, mezzo-soprano - Ekaterina Semenchuk, tenor - Hovhannes Ayvazyan. The soloists shared their success with magnificent choristers - the State Academic Russian Choir. A.V. Sveshnikov and the Academic Big Choir “Masters of Choral Singing”.
The soloists, orchestra and choir sounded as one whole, which undoubtedly captivated the discerning metropolitan audience.
“The orchestra and both choirs handled the task confidently. All four voices invited by Sladkovsky - soloists with a huge repertoire, a worldwide reputation and a complex schedule of personal tours - also accepted the challenge. The base was marked by the solid and reliable bass Dmitry Ulyanov, as if he rooted any prayer in the soil.”
— Leila Guchmazova (Russian newspaper, 08.02.2018/XNUMX/XNUMX)
(You can find the entire article by following the link: https://rg.ru/2018/02/08/orkestr-respubliki-tatarstan-ispolnil-v-moskve-rekviem-verdi.html)
“The bass aria Confutatis maledictis sounded in contrast. From Dmitry Ulyanov, with his powerful, truly Russian bass, I expected broad, bold protodeacon colors. Not at all! The bowed velvet cantilena was unexpectedly complemented in all solo cues and bass ensembles with European intelligence, even a certain rationality. Ulyanov presented the text so meaningfully, as if the artist had a volume of Thomas Aquinas in his pocket, reading in his spare time.
Finally, all four came together in the marvelous Lacrimosa. The simple song motif was dear to Verdi; he also used it in the mournful duet of King Philip and Don Carlos, father and son, over the body of the murdered Rodrigo, which was often stopped when staging the opera.
The performance reached its zenith, the critic inside sank and fell silent, and, obeying the name of the movement, tears flowed naturally...»
— Tatiana Elagina (Classicalmusicnews.ru)
(You can find the entire article by following the link: http://www.classicalmusicnews.ru/reports/verdi-requiem-sladkovsky-2018/)
“Bass of Dmitry Ulyanov, soloist of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko is distinguished by evenness, smoothness of voice delivery, fullness of sound and tenderness of quiet colors, rare for basses. “Calm mastery” - this is how one can characterize the performing style of the singer, who perfectly feels - even the melodist Verdi - the difference between the operatic and spiritual-oratorio genres ... "
— Maria Zalesskaya (Musical life, February 2018)
(You can find the entire article by following the link: http://mus-mag.ru/mz-txt/2018-02/r-rekviem.htm)