“War and Peace” by S. Prokofiev on the stage of the Grand Theater of Geneva

On September 13, Dmitry Ulyanov opened his new creative season by performing the role of Kutuzov in S. Prokofiev’s opera “War and Peace” on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Geneva. The premiere of one of the most monumental operas staged by the Spanish director Calixto Bieito was greeted by the Geneva public with great enthusiasm! By the way, this opera was first performed in Geneva on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, so this is a doubly premiere!

The orchestra was conducted by Alejo Perez. Dmitry’s partners on stage were such wonderful artists as Björn Burger (Prince Andrei Bolkonskoy), Ruzan Mantashyan (Natasha Rostova), Lena Belkina (Sonya), Daniel Johansson (Pierre Bezukhov), Elena Maksimova (Helen Bezukhova) and others.

Everyone still has a chance to see the performance on the stage of the Grand Theater of Geneva on September 15, 17, 19, 21 and 24, 2021.